Friday, May 23, 2008

rman: can't open target

If you have Oracle database on Linux, when you run rman utility to connect to database, you can get an error "rman: can't open target":
[oracle@db1 /]$ rman target /
rman: can't open target

In this case check, which rman is used, it can be from another direcroty:
[oracle@db1 /]$ which rman

If it is, more likely, that in you PATH environment variable $ORACLE_HOME is not on the first place:
[oracle@db1 /]$ echo $PATH

All, that you need now, is to change PATH variable, set is to be $ORACLE_HOME at the first place. To do it for you login profile, in case of bash shell, modify ~/.bash_profile file. For example:
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/product/10.2/DB1/bin

Good luck!

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